Online Discussions

Ed Discussion Demo and Office Hours

July 19, 2022, 3:00pm

Ed Discussion is a next-gen class Q&A platform that helps scale class communication in a beautiful and intuitive interface, and can be accessed through seamless integration with bCourses or used standalone. Ed believes student privacy is paramount and does not share data with third parties, has no advertising, and no annoyances.

In this virtual presentation, RTL staff will demonstrate essential features, including course setup, navigation, the all-in-one rich text editor to format and style content, and other tips and tricks....

Introduction to Ed Discussion

August 11, 2022, 3:00pm

Ed Discussion is a next-gen class Q&A platform that helps scale class communication in a beautiful and intuitive interface, and can be accessed through seamless integration with bCourses or used standalone. Ed believes student privacy is paramount and does not share data with third parties, has no advertising, and no annoyances.

In this virtual workshop, an Ed Discussion expert will provide an overview of supported features, including customizable thread categories and subcategories, anonymous posting, private posts among instructors and TAs, image annotation, LaTeX equations,...

Ed Discussion Demo and Office Hours

June 21, 2022, 3:00pm

Ed Discussion is a next-gen class Q&A platform that helps scale class communication in a beautiful and intuitive interface, and can be accessed through seamless integration with bCourses or used standalone. Ed believes student privacy is paramount and does not share data with third parties, has no advertising, and no annoyances.

In this virtual presentation, RTL staff will demonstrate essential features, including course setup, navigation, the all-in-one rich text editor to format and style content, and other tips and tricks....

Introduction to Ed Discussion

August 9, 2022, 3:00pm

Ed Discussion is a next-gen class Q&A platform that helps scale class communication in a beautiful and intuitive interface, and can be accessed through seamless integration with bCourses or used standalone. Ed believes student privacy is paramount and does not share data with third parties, has no advertising, and no annoyances.

In this virtual workshop, an Ed Discussion expert will provide an overview of supported features, including customizable thread categories and subcategories, anonymous posting, private posts among instructors and TAs, image annotation, LaTeX equations,...

Online Discussions Service Updates

May 18, 2022
Announcing Ed Discussion

The campus is pleased to announce the selection of Ed Discussion as the tool to facilitate synchronous and asynchronous online discussions in courses at UC Berkeley. It is currently available, and you can access it from bCourses* or Other discussion tools, such as Piazza, will no longer be licensed by the campus after August 2022. In addition, the use of Piazza for individual licensing will be prohibited to ensure equitable access to course materials for all students.
